Nomaden der Ozeane by Frauke Bagusche

How is it possible that sea turtles swim thousands of kilometres through the oceans and find their nesting sites again after many years? Although sea turtles are anything but fast, loud, or conspicuous, they are still surrounded by something mysterious which many find fascinating. Me too. I am thrilled by these interesting and charming creatures. Therefore, I am more than happy to tell you, that there is a book - "Nomaden der Ozeane" by Frauke Bagusche - which is about sea turtles. In this blog entry, I will share some thoughts about the book. Unfortunately, so far, this book is only in German.

Nomaden der Ozeane

Title: Nomaden der Ozeane – Das Geheimnis der Meeresschildkröten
Author: Frauke Bagusche
Length: 222 pages
Published: 2023
Language: German


Meeresschildkröten können Erstaunliches: Einige tauchen über 1000 Meter tief, manche transportieren Organismen durch die Meere und tragen so zu deren Ausbreitung bei, und wieder andere sorgen als „Architekten der Ozeane“ für die Ausbreitung von Korallenriffen. Und sie alle haben verblüffende Supersinne, mit denen sie noch nach Jahrzehnten ihre tausende Kilometer entfernten Niststrände wiederfinden – dank ihrer Fähigkeit, sich am Magnetfeld der Erde zu orientieren, und dank ihres extrem guten Geruchssinns, mit dem sie vermutlich sogar ihren Geburtsstrand riechen können.

Thoughts about the book

Do you know all seven existing sea turtles on Earth? If no, maybe "Nomaden der Ozeane - Das Geheimnis der Meeresschildkröten" by Frauke Bagusche could be the right book for you at the moment? In this book, the author not only introduces all (still) existing sea turtles on our planet, she also provides more detailed information and stories about each species' biology, its threats, and much more.

I enjoyed reading the book, because it gave me a good overview including good descriptions about each still existing sea turtle species. Here, I would like to pronounce the word "still", as sea turtles are unfortunately exposed to numerous threats, including threats which can be attributed to humans. The book informs well about each sea turtle, but also calls its readers to act.

Just think about climate change. Plastic pollution. And wildlife trade. Although most people probably never will see a sea turtle in their life, still, everyone can think about its daily decisions to treat well our environment which directly or indirectly will protect animals - including sea turtles.

The book is not very long, and thus, fast to read. However, as there were numerous references in the book, which should encourage readers to get more information about sea turtles elsewhere, I did not read the book at one go. I took my time to digest the information I got from the book.

Enjoy immersing yourself into the world of sea turtles!


Informative. Exciting. And important. A recommendable book to learn more about all seven existing sea turtles. Enjoy reading!

Do you know the book "Nomaden der Ozeane" by Frauke Bagusche? Or do you know another book about sea turtles? Please let me know in the comments.

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