Summer break 2020

The sun is shining. Temperatures are rising. Summer is coming...

And I'm sitting in front of my computer writing some more lines for the blog. As there is so much to explore at the moment outside (by keeping a distance from others of course), I have decided to take a little summer break. Writing, sorting out pictures, or embedding all my texts and photographs into WordPress takes some time... Therefore, I have decided to take a little break from the blog. I just want to spend less time in front of my computer.

As I'm really very grateful for every reader or visitor of this blog, I don't want anyone to ask why I don't publish anything in the next few weeks. I will be back in September/October.

Although I take a summer break, this does not mean that you cannot contact me. If you want to write me, please feel free to do so. I will definitely answer. I will take a break from writing, but I'm still reachable. In the next few weeks I will be most active on my Instagram account.

Thanks to everyone who cares about nature and animals!

Take care!

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