How to be a good creature by Sy Montgomery

"How to be a good creature" by Sy Montgomery is a profound book full of empathy. In the book the author writes about thirteen animals and the life lessons she learned from these interactions. It is a heartwarming and precious book very worth to read!

How to be a good creature

Title: How to be a good creature
Author: Sy Montgomery
Imprint: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Length: 208 pages
Published: 2018
Language: English


Understanding someone who belongs to another species can be transformative. No one knows this better than author, naturalist, and adventurer Sy Montgomery. To research her books, Sy has traveled the world and has encountered some of the planet's rarest and most beautiful animals. From tarantulas to tigers, Sy's life continually intersects with and is informed by the creatures she meets.

This restorative memoir reflects on the personalities and quirks of thirteen animals - Sy's friends - and the truths revealed by their grace. It also explores vast themes: the otherness and sameness of people and animals; the various ways we learn to love and become empathetic; how we find our passion; how we create our families; coping with loss and despair; gratitude; forgiveness; and most of all, how to be a good creature in the world.

Thoughts about the book

What is a book about with a title like "How to be a good creature"?

Is it a book with instructions about being a good person?

Or does it deal with animal welfare?

Or it even could be a religious book?!

None of the above is true.

The title "How to be a good creature" immediately got my attention, but I wasn't sure about what might expect me.

When I was reading, I just let myself getting involved with the book. And after reading the animal stories by Sy Montgomery, I was with a happy smile on my face. Although the author also shared some sad moments with animals, her hopeful, soothing and empathetic words let me feel good after being absorbed in the book.

The book is easy to read, but still profound and thought-provoking. Sy Montgomery knows how to put her empathy for animals into words and touch the heart of the reader. She openly writes about her love and enthusiasm about animals. Her fascination for animals and connection with them remind me of a child. A behavior most have lost as grown-ups.

After reading her words I didn't feel strange anymore. As I know too well that talking about animals often appears to be "childish".

I very like the way she sees the world and how she has found a way to live together with many animals.

It is my first book by Sy Montgomery and it definitely won't be the last one I have read by her!

"How to be a good creature" is one of the most moving books I have ever read and I wish that many, many more people will know about this wonderful treasure of a book!


Precious. Heart-warming. And very empathetic with animals. The book "How to be a good creature" by Sy Montgomery is wonderful and justifiably very well received by many readers. I'm one of this reader, and thus, can highly recommend this exceptionally special book!

Have you read the book "How to be a good creature"? Or do you know another book by Sy Montgomery? Please let me know your thoughts in the comments.

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